Magviz Public Chat
Free Public Chat, Anonymous and Secure

Public Chat

Welcome to Magviz Free Public Chat. Access our free chat system on any browser or mobile device. Public chat is modeled after the original DDial system from before the Internet, with layered conversations and unique line numbers allowing all public chatters to freely choose any username at any time.

No membership is required and guest access is instantaneous from the login prompt. Guest public chatters are given a generous amount of features and access to the system. To take advantage of the many other features within public chat, membership is quick and easy.

Private messages can be sent by all guest public chatters to any user at anytime. This takes place directly within the public chat history by using a simple command based on a users line number. This allows multiple conversations to take place while still being apart of the public chat group.

Guest public chatters can freely move between different public chat channels and participate in online interactive games. Members are capabable of taking full advantage of all channels including creating your own public or private channel.

Login anonymously and check things out. The layout is simple and clean, and after a little discovery you will find yourself getting to know someone you never thought possible.

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